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iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System
Classes | |
struct | IRDSCopTrails |
Public Types | |
enum | SubTrackChooseModes { Randomly, Fastest, Shortest, Fastest_and_Shortest, All } |
Public Member Functions | |
int | GetMyPit () |
Gets this car current assigned pit number. More... | |
float | GetMaxRpms () |
Gets the max rpms of the car engine. More... | |
void | ResetOvertakeOffsets () |
Resets the overtake offsets. For internal use. More... | |
int | GetLap () |
Gets the current lap of the car on the race. More... | |
float | GetPosition () |
Gets the position. This is not the race position, this is for internal use, it returns the position on the track of the car with respect to the starting line. More... | |
void | SetPosition (float position) |
Sets the position. This is not the race position, this is for internal use, it sets the position on the track of the car with respect to the starting line. More... | |
float | GetEllapsedTime () |
Gets the ellapsed time. This method returns the raw float of the last lap time. More... | |
string | GetEllapsedTimeString () |
Gets the ellapsed time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the last lap time. More... | |
float | GetCurrentTotalRaceTime () |
Gets the current total race time. This method can be called on the Update function, and it returns the Current Total ellapsed race time in a float type. More... | |
string | GetCurrentTotalRaceTimeString () |
Gets the current total race time string. This method can be called on the Update function, and it returns the Current Total ellapsed race time in a simple formated string (00:00:00). More... | |
float | GetTotalTime () |
Gets the total time. This method returns the raw float of the total race time, this time is update on every lap, if you need the current elapsed time use GetCurrentLapTime instead. More... | |
string | GetTotalTimeString () |
Gets the total time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the total race time, this time is update on every lap only, if you need the current elapsed time use GetCurrentLapTime instead. More... | |
float | GetCurrentLapTime () |
Gets the current lap time. This method returns the raw float of the current lap time, this method can be called on each update cycle, it is the race timer. More... | |
string | GetCurrentLapTimeString () |
Gets the current lap time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the current lap time, this method can be called on each update cycle, it is the race timer. More... | |
void | SetTotalTime (float time) |
Sets the total time. Sets the total time for the race of this car. This is intended for internal use only. More... | |
float | GetStartTime () |
Gets the start time. This method returns the raw float number of the start time for this car. More... | |
string | GetStartTimeString () |
Gets the start time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) number of the start time for this car. More... | |
IRDSWheel[] | GetIRDSWheels () |
Gets the IRDS wheels. Returns all the IRDSWheel references that this car have. More... | |
int | GetCurrentWaypoint () |
Gets the current waypoint. Returns the current waypoint this car is travelling on and using for the steering. More... | |
int | GetCurrentWaypointS () |
Gets the current waypoint s. Returns the current waypoint this car is travelling on and using as the current nearest waypoint to the car. More... | |
float | GetMaxSpeed () |
Gets the max speed. Returns the current max speed of the current waypoint. More... | |
float | GetMaxSpeedEspec (int i) |
Gets the max speed espec. For internal use only. More... | |
bool | GetEndRace () |
Gets the end race. Returns true if this car have ended the race. More... | |
void | SetEndRace (bool flag) |
Sets the end race. This is for internal use, but can be used to force a car to be on the end race state. More... | |
Transform | GetCenter () |
Gets the center. This returns a dummy transform that have the actual center of the car. More... | |
float | GetCarDepth () |
Gets the car depth. Returns the Length of the car in meters. More... | |
float | GetCarWidth () |
Gets the width of the car. More... | |
float | GetCarSpeed () |
Gets the car speed. Returns the actual car speed, this is the same as calling IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarSpeed() from the instance of that class. More... | |
float | GetTopSpeed () |
Gets the top speed. Returns the top car speed, this is the same as calling IRDSCarControllInput.GetTopSpeed() from the instance of that class. More... | |
IRDSCarControllInput | GetCarInputs () |
Gets the car inputs. Returns the reference to the IRDSCarControllInput class. More... | |
void | SetLap (int lap) |
Sets the lap. This is for internal use only. More... | |
string | GetCarName () |
Gets the name of the car. More... | |
string | GetDriverName () |
Gets the name of the driver. More... | |
void | SetUnstuckTime (float time) |
Sets the unstuck time. More... | |
void | SetRespawnTimer (float time) |
Sets the respawn timer. More... | |
void | SetStartTime (float time) |
Sets the start time. This is for internal use only. More... | |
float | GetFastestLapTime () |
Gets the fastest lap time. This returns the raw float of the best/fastest lap time. More... | |
string | GetFastestLapTimeString () |
Gets the fastest lap time string. This returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the best/fastest lap time. More... | |
float | GetAggressivenessOnBrake () |
Gets the aggressiveness on brake. Gets the value of the aggressiveness on brake for this AI. More... | |
void | SetAggressivenessOnBrake (float aggressivenessOnBrake) |
Sets the aggressiveness on brake. Sets the value of the aggressiveness on brake for this AI, values lower than 1 would make the AI brake more closer to the corners and higher values would make it brake earlier. More... | |
float | GetSpeedSteeringFactor () |
Gets the speed steering factor. More... | |
void | SetSpeedSteeringFactor (float speedSteeringFac) |
Sets the speed steering factor. More... | |
float | GetLookahead_factor () |
Gets the lookahead_factor. More... | |
void | SetLookahead_factor (float Lookahead_factor) |
Sets the lookahead_factor. More... | |
float | GetCorneringSpeedFactor () |
Gets the cornering speed factor. More... | |
void | SetCorneringSpeedFactor (float corneringSpeedFactor) |
Sets the cornering speed factor. More... | |
float | GetMaxDriftAngle () |
Gets the max drift angle. More... | |
void | SetMaxDriftAngle (float maxDriftAng) |
Sets the max drift angle. More... | |
float | GetSteeringDriftFactor () |
Gets the steering drift factor. More... | |
void | SetSteeringDriftFactor (float steeringDriftFac) |
Sets the steering drift factor. More... | |
float | GetCollisionSideFactor () |
Gets the collision side factor. More... | |
void | SetCollisionSideFactor (float collisionSideFac) |
Sets the collision side factor. More... | |
float | GetOvertakeFactor () |
Gets the overtake factor. More... | |
void | SetOvertakeFactor (float overtakeFac) |
Sets the overtake factor. More... | |
float | GetOvertakeSpeedDiference () |
Gets the overtake speed diference. More... | |
void | SetOvertakeSpeedDiference (float overtakeSpeedDif) |
Sets the overtake speed diference. More... | |
float | GetHumanError () |
Gets the human error. More... | |
void | SetHumanError (float humanErr) |
Sets the human error. More... | |
float | GetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMin () |
Gets the overtake offset increment minimum. More... | |
void | SetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMin (float overtakeOffsetIncMin) |
Sets the overtake offset increment minimum. More... | |
float | GetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMax () |
Gets the overtake offset increment max. More... | |
void | SetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMax (float overtakeOffsetIncMax) |
Sets the overtake offset increment max. More... | |
float | GetShifFactor () |
Gets the shif factor. More... | |
void | SetShifFactor (float shifFac) |
Sets the shif factor. More... | |
float | GetFuelTankCapacity () |
Gets the fuel tank capacity. More... | |
void | SetFuelTankCapacity (float fuelTankCap) |
Sets the fuel tank capacity. More... | |
float | GetTyrechangePorcentage () |
Gets the tyrechange porcentage. More... | |
void | SetTyrechangePorcentage (float tyrechangePorcent) |
Sets the tyrechange porcentage. More... | |
float | GetFuelloadPorcentage () |
Gets the fuelload porcentage. More... | |
void | SetFuelloadPorcentage (float fuelloadPorcent) |
Sets the fuelload porcentage. More... | |
float | GetFullAccelMaring () |
Gets the full accel maring. More... | |
void | SetFullAccelMaring (float fullAccelMaring) |
Sets the full accel maring. More... | |
float | GetFrontCollDist () |
Gets the front coll dist. More... | |
void | SetFrontCollDist (float frontCollD) |
Sets the front coll dist. More... | |
float | GetBackCollDist () |
Gets the back coll dist. More... | |
void | SetBackCollDist (float backCollD) |
Sets the back coll dist. More... | |
float | GetSideMargin () |
Gets the side margin. More... | |
void | SetSideMargin (float sideMar) |
Sets the side margin. More... | |
float | GetHeightMargin () |
Gets the height margin. More... | |
void | SetHeightMargin (float heightMar) |
Sets the height margin. More... | |
float | GetLength_Margin () |
Gets the length_ margin. More... | |
void | SetLength_Margin (float length_margin) |
Sets the length_ margin. More... | |
float | GetSide_Margin () |
Gets the side_ margin. More... | |
void | SetSide_Margin (float Side_Margin) |
Sets the side_ margin. More... | |
void | GetCarSize () |
Gets the size of the car. More... | |
bool | GetIsOvertaking () |
Gets the is overtaking. More... | |
bool | GetIsAvoidingOpponentSideways () |
Gets the is avoiding opponent sideways. More... | |
bool | GetIsBrakingOnOpponent () |
Gets the is braking on opponent. More... | |
bool | GetWrongWay () |
Gets the wrong way. More... | |
bool | GetStucked () |
Gets the stucked. More... | |
void | SetStucked (bool val) |
Sets the stucked. More... | |
float | GetDriftAngle () |
Gets the drift angle. More... | |
IRDSManager | GetManager () |
Gets the manager. More... | |
void | SetMaxSteerLockExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the max steer lock external physics. More... | |
float | GetMaxSteerLockExternalPhysics () |
Gets the max steer lock external physics. More... | |
void | SetGravity (float value) |
Sets the gravity. More... | |
void | SetDriverName (string newName) |
Sets the name of the driver. More... | |
float | GetLapCompletionPercentage () |
Gets the lap completion percentage, it returns a value from 0 to 1, 0 means its the starting point of the race and 1 the end point of the race. More... | |
void | SetFrictionExtaernalPhysics (float[] value) |
Sets the friction extaernal physics. More... | |
void | SetHFactorExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the H factor external physics. More... | |
void | SetClFactorExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the cl factor external physics. More... | |
void | SetCWFactorExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the CW factor external physics. More... | |
void | SetWingaFactorExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the winga factor external physics. More... | |
void | SetTireSlipAngleExternalPhysics (bool value) |
Sets the tire slip angle external physics. More... | |
void | SetTyreWearExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the tyre wear external physics. More... | |
IRDSNavigateTWaypoints | GetNavigateTWaypoints () |
Gets the IRDSNavigateTWaypoints class reference of this car instance. More... | |
delegate void | OnRaceEnd () |
delegate void | OnLapCompleted () |
delegate void | OnLapCompletedValue (int lap) |
delegate void | OnRaceStart () |
delegate void | OnRespawn () |
delegate void | OnUnstuck () |
delegate void | OnUnStucked () |
void | Initialize () |
Initialize this instance. More... | |
float | GetMaxSpeed (int i, float Radius, ref List< Transform > Waypoints, ref float[] bankedAngle) |
float | GetMaxSpeed (int i, float Radius, ref List< Transform > Waypoints) |
float | GetLookahead () |
bool | pitting () |
void | FinishPitting () |
Finishes the pitting. This is used only for third party physics, like unity car and edys, since the iRDS physics handles this automatically. More... | |
void | IRDSWheelsCenter (Transform[] frontWheels) |
void | TimerStart () |
void | getEllapsedTime () |
bool | FlipCar () |
void | RespawnAtWaypoint (int waypointToRespawn, bool useRelativePosition, bool resetSpeedToZero) |
void | EnableSpeedRestriction (int firstWaypoint, int lastWaypoint, bool flag, float speedLimit) |
void | DisableSpeedRestriction () |
void | UpdateOppQuantity () |
Public Attributes | |
bool | respawn = true |
The respawn. More... | |
bool | respawnAtWP = true |
The respawn at W. More... | |
float | resetTime = 1.0f |
The reset time. More... | |
float | resetTimer = 0.0f |
The reset timer. More... | |
float | fastestLapTime = 0 |
The fastest lap time. More... | |
bool | yellowFlag = false |
The yellow flag. More... | |
bool | blueFlag = false |
The blue flag. More... | |
int | firstWaypointSpdRest = 0 |
The first waypoint spd rest. More... | |
int | lastWaypointSpdRest = 0 |
The last waypoint spd rest. More... | |
float | spdLimit = 0 |
The spd limit. More... | |
bool | driveThroughPits = false |
The drive through pits. More... | |
bool | chargeFuel = true |
The charge fuel. More... | |
bool | changeFrontTires = true |
The change front tires. More... | |
bool | changeRearTires = true |
The change rear tires. More... | |
bool | threeWideStyle = false |
The three wide style. More... | |
float[] | lastOvertakeTime |
The last overtake time. More... | |
float | backToLineIncrement = 0.01f |
The back to line increment. More... | |
bool | wrongWay = false |
The wrong way. More... | |
bool | pitsAutopilot = true |
The pits autopilot. More... | |
float | pitsTime = 15 |
The pits time. More... | |
float | tireBrakeForce = 0 |
The tire brake force. More... | |
float | CW |
The C. More... | |
bool | tireSlipRatio = false |
The tire slip ratio. More... | |
List< IRDSobstaclesInRange > | obstaclesInRange = new List<IRDSobstaclesInRange>() |
The obstacles in range. More... | |
bool[] | obstacleIsInRange |
The obstacle is in range. More... | |
bool | autoSteering = false |
The auto steering. More... | |
bool | autoThrottle = false |
The auto throttle. More... | |
bool | autoBrake = false |
The auto brake. More... | |
int | playerNumber = -1 |
The player number. More... | |
int | racePosition = 0 |
The race position. More... | |
int | myGridPosition = 0 |
My grid position. More... | |
bool | copMode = false |
The cop mode. More... | |
bool | copTargetBehind = false |
The cop target behind. More... | |
float | copAgressivenessMultiplier = 1f |
The cop agressiveness multiplier. More... | |
float | copBrakeRange = 10f |
The cop brake range. More... | |
bool | copHitBrakes = false |
The cop hit brakes. More... | |
bool | copPatrolMode = false |
The cop patrol mode. More... | |
float | copPatrolSpeed = 27f |
The cop patrol speed. More... | |
IRDSCarControllerAI | copCurrentTarget |
The cop current target. More... | |
float | copTargetDist = 0f |
The cop target dist. More... | |
float | copLockOnDistance = 5f |
The cop lock on distance. More... | |
List< IRDSCopTrails > | copTrail = new List<IRDSCopTrails>() |
The cop trail. More... | |
Transform | currentTrail |
The current trail. More... | |
SubTrackChooseModes | subTrackChoosedMode = SubTrackChooseModes.Fastest |
The sub track choosed mode. More... | |
float | raceStartTime |
The race start time. More... | |
float | checkPointTimer =50 |
The check point timer. More... | |
float | checkPointTimeLeft =0f |
The check point time left. More... | |
int | currentCheckPoint = 0 |
The current check point. More... | |
float | lastManStandingTimeLeft =0f |
The last man standing time left. More... | |
float | speedTrapPoints = 0f |
The speed trap points. More... | |
bool | haveTheFlag = false |
The have the flag. More... | |
bool | hitObject = false |
The hit object. More... | |
GameObject | flag |
The flag. More... | |
bool | enableDAC = false |
The enable DA. More... | |
float | targetDistanceFromPlayer = 15f |
The target distance from player. More... | |
float | minAgressivenesOnBrakeDAC = 0.5f |
The minimum agressivenes on brake DA. More... | |
float | maxAgressivenesOnBrakeDAC = 1f |
The max agressivenes on brake DA. More... | |
float | minCorneringSpeedFactorDAC = 1f |
The minimum cornering speed factor DA. More... | |
float | maxCorneringSpeedFactorDAC = 2f |
The max cornering speed factor DA. More... | |
float | CorneringSpeedFactorDAC =1 |
The cornering speed factor DA. More... | |
int | player1IndexDAC = -1 |
The player1 index DA. More... | |
float | targetDistanceFromPlayerThreshold = 25f |
The target distance from player threshold. More... | |
float | shiftUpFactor = 0.95f |
The shift up factor. More... | |
float | respawnSpeed = 15 |
The respawn speed. More... | |
bool | alwaysRespawn = false |
The always respawn. More... | |
IRDSobstaclesInRange | obstacle1 = new IRDSobstaclesInRange() |
The obstacle1. More... | |
float | LookAheadConst = 10f |
The look ahead const. More... | |
float | offTrackThrottleMulpilier = 1f |
The off track throttle mulpilier. More... | |
float | jumpThrottleMulpilier = 1f |
The jump throttle mulpilier. More... | |
float | jumpThrottleTime = 0.5f |
The jump throttle time. More... | |
float | jumpThrottleTimer = 0f |
The jump throttle timer. More... | |
bool | wasJumping = false |
The was jumping. More... | |
bool | overrideNitroInput = false |
The override nitro input. More... | |
bool | originalAutoBrake = false |
The original auto brake. More... | |
bool | alreadyPit = false |
The already pit. More... | |
bool | isPitting = false |
The is pitting. More... | |
float | lookAheadDistance = 0f |
The look ahead distance. More... | |
bool | isNetworkCar = false |
is this a network car? this would help when using PUN framework More... | |
bool | isExternalCarPhysics = false |
The is external car physics. More... | |
Texture2D | myIcon |
My icon. More... | |
float | respawnHeight = 0.5f |
The height of the respawn. More... | |
float | respawnOutOfLimitMaxDistance = 0f |
The respawn out of limit max distance. If this is set to 0 it would be disabled, other wise the cars would be respawned if they get their distance from the racing line higher than this distance. More... | |
IRDSStatistics | stats |
The stats. More... | |
float | captureTheFlagHitStrength = 1f |
The capture the flag hit strength. More... | |
float | lastTimeWithFlag = 0f |
The last time with flag. More... | |
bool | rollingStart = true |
Rolling start. This is for internal use only!, this is set by the System if rolling start have been selected as the race start type. More... | |
bool | ignoreBankedAngle = false |
The ignore banked angle. This is for internal use only. More... | |
float | speedOverride = 0f |
The speed override. Set this variable to the desired speed(m/s) you want the AI to run at. The speed is in meters per seconds. More... | |
OnRaceStart | onRaceStart |
The on race start callback. This callback is called once for each car instance. More... | |
OnLapCompleted | onLapCompleted |
The on lap completed callback. This callback is called once each time a lap is completed. More... | |
OnLapCompletedValue | onLapCompletedValue |
The on lap completed value. This is the same as onLapCompleted but also sends the current lap as parameter. More... | |
OnRaceEnd | onRaceEnd |
The on race end callback. This callback is called once when this car instance ends the race. More... | |
OnRespawn | onRespawn |
The on respawn callback. This callback is called once when this car instance is respawned. More... | |
OnUnstuck | onUnstuck |
The on unstuck callback. This callback is called once when the AI is getting unstuck. More... | |
OnUnStucked | onUnStucked |
The on Unstucked callback. This callback is called once when the AI is Unstucked. More... | |
Properties | |
bool | IsPlayer [get, set] |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is player. More... | |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.FinishPitting | ( | ) |
Finishes the pitting. This is used only for third party physics, like unity car and edys, since the iRDS physics handles this automatically.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetAggressivenessOnBrake | ( | ) |
Gets the aggressiveness on brake. Gets the value of the aggressiveness on brake for this AI.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetBackCollDist | ( | ) |
Gets the back coll dist.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarDepth | ( | ) |
Gets the car depth. Returns the Length of the car in meters.
IRDSCarControllInput IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarInputs | ( | ) |
Gets the car inputs. Returns the reference to the IRDSCarControllInput class.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarName | ( | ) |
Gets the name of the car.
void IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarSize | ( | ) |
Gets the size of the car.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarSpeed | ( | ) |
Gets the car speed. Returns the actual car speed, this is the same as calling IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarSpeed() from the instance of that class.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCarWidth | ( | ) |
Gets the width of the car.
Brief description: This Method gets the car width based on its colliders
Transform IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCenter | ( | ) |
Gets the center. This returns a dummy transform that have the actual center of the car.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCollisionSideFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the collision side factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCorneringSpeedFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the cornering speed factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentLapTime | ( | ) |
Gets the current lap time. This method returns the raw float of the current lap time, this method can be called on each update cycle, it is the race timer.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentLapTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the current lap time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the current lap time, this method can be called on each update cycle, it is the race timer.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentTotalRaceTime | ( | ) |
Gets the current total race time. This method can be called on the Update function, and it returns the Current Total ellapsed race time in a float type.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentTotalRaceTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the current total race time string. This method can be called on the Update function, and it returns the Current Total ellapsed race time in a simple formated string (00:00:00).
int IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentWaypoint | ( | ) |
Gets the current waypoint. Returns the current waypoint this car is travelling on and using for the steering.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.GetCurrentWaypointS | ( | ) |
Gets the current waypoint s. Returns the current waypoint this car is travelling on and using as the current nearest waypoint to the car.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetDriftAngle | ( | ) |
Gets the drift angle.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetDriverName | ( | ) |
Gets the name of the driver.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetEllapsedTime | ( | ) |
Gets the ellapsed time. This method returns the raw float of the last lap time.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetEllapsedTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the ellapsed time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the last lap time.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetEndRace | ( | ) |
Gets the end race. Returns true if this car have ended the race.
, if end race was gotten, false
otherwise.float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFastestLapTime | ( | ) |
Gets the fastest lap time. This returns the raw float of the best/fastest lap time.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFastestLapTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the fastest lap time string. This returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the best/fastest lap time.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFrontCollDist | ( | ) |
Gets the front coll dist.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFuelloadPorcentage | ( | ) |
Gets the fuelload porcentage.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFuelTankCapacity | ( | ) |
Gets the fuel tank capacity.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetFullAccelMaring | ( | ) |
Gets the full accel maring.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetHeightMargin | ( | ) |
Gets the height margin.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetHumanError | ( | ) |
Gets the human error.
IRDSWheel [] IRDSCarControllerAI.GetIRDSWheels | ( | ) |
Gets the IRDS wheels. Returns all the IRDSWheel references that this car have.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetIsAvoidingOpponentSideways | ( | ) |
Gets the is avoiding opponent sideways.
, if is avoiding opponent sideways was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetIsBrakingOnOpponent | ( | ) |
Gets the is braking on opponent.
, if is braking on opponent was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetIsOvertaking | ( | ) |
Gets the is overtaking.
, if is overtaking was gotten, false
otherwise.int IRDSCarControllerAI.GetLap | ( | ) |
Gets the current lap of the car on the race.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetLapCompletionPercentage | ( | ) |
Gets the lap completion percentage, it returns a value from 0 to 1, 0 means its the starting point of the race and 1 the end point of the race.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetLength_Margin | ( | ) |
Gets the length_ margin.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetLookahead_factor | ( | ) |
Gets the lookahead_factor.
IRDSManager IRDSCarControllerAI.GetManager | ( | ) |
Gets the manager.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMaxDriftAngle | ( | ) |
Gets the max drift angle.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMaxRpms | ( | ) |
Gets the max rpms of the car engine.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMaxSpeed | ( | ) |
Gets the max speed. Returns the current max speed of the current waypoint.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMaxSpeedEspec | ( | int | i | ) |
Gets the max speed espec. For internal use only.
i | The index. |
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMaxSteerLockExternalPhysics | ( | ) |
Gets the max steer lock external physics.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.GetMyPit | ( | ) |
Gets this car current assigned pit number.
IRDSNavigateTWaypoints IRDSCarControllerAI.GetNavigateTWaypoints | ( | ) |
Gets the IRDSNavigateTWaypoints class reference of this car instance.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetOvertakeFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the overtake factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMax | ( | ) |
Gets the overtake offset increment max.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMin | ( | ) |
Gets the overtake offset increment minimum.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetOvertakeSpeedDiference | ( | ) |
Gets the overtake speed diference.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetPosition | ( | ) |
Gets the position. This is not the race position, this is for internal use, it returns the position on the track of the car with respect to the starting line.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetShifFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the shif factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetSide_Margin | ( | ) |
Gets the side_ margin.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetSideMargin | ( | ) |
Gets the side margin.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetSpeedSteeringFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the speed steering factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetStartTime | ( | ) |
Gets the start time. This method returns the raw float number of the start time for this car.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetStartTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the start time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) number of the start time for this car.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetSteeringDriftFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the steering drift factor.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetStucked | ( | ) |
Gets the stucked.
, if stucked was gotten, false
otherwise.float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetTopSpeed | ( | ) |
Gets the top speed. Returns the top car speed, this is the same as calling IRDSCarControllInput.GetTopSpeed() from the instance of that class.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetTotalTime | ( | ) |
Gets the total time. This method returns the raw float of the total race time, this time is update on every lap, if you need the current elapsed time use GetCurrentLapTime instead.
string IRDSCarControllerAI.GetTotalTimeString | ( | ) |
Gets the total time string. This method returns a formatted string (00:00:00) of the total race time, this time is update on every lap only, if you need the current elapsed time use GetCurrentLapTime instead.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.GetTyrechangePorcentage | ( | ) |
Gets the tyrechange porcentage.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.GetWrongWay | ( | ) |
Gets the wrong way.
, if wrong way was gotten, false
otherwise.void IRDSCarControllerAI.Initialize | ( | ) |
Initialize this instance.
void IRDSCarControllerAI.ResetOvertakeOffsets | ( | ) |
Resets the overtake offsets. For internal use.
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetAggressivenessOnBrake | ( | float | aggressivenessOnBrake | ) |
Sets the aggressiveness on brake. Sets the value of the aggressiveness on brake for this AI, values lower than 1 would make the AI brake more closer to the corners and higher values would make it brake earlier.
aggressivenessOnBrake | Aggressiveness on brake. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetBackCollDist | ( | float | backCollD | ) |
Sets the back coll dist.
backCollD | Back coll d. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetClFactorExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the cl factor external physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetCollisionSideFactor | ( | float | collisionSideFac | ) |
Sets the collision side factor.
collisionSideFac | Collision side fac. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetCorneringSpeedFactor | ( | float | corneringSpeedFactor | ) |
Sets the cornering speed factor.
corneringSpeedFactor | Cornering speed factor. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetCWFactorExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the CW factor external physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetDriverName | ( | string | newName | ) |
Sets the name of the driver.
newName | New name. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetEndRace | ( | bool | flag | ) |
Sets the end race. This is for internal use, but can be used to force a car to be on the end race state.
flag | If set to true flag. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetFrictionExtaernalPhysics | ( | float[] | value | ) |
Sets the friction extaernal physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetFrontCollDist | ( | float | frontCollD | ) |
Sets the front coll dist.
frontCollD | Front coll d. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetFuelloadPorcentage | ( | float | fuelloadPorcent | ) |
Sets the fuelload porcentage.
fuelloadPorcent | Fuelload porcent. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetFuelTankCapacity | ( | float | fuelTankCap | ) |
Sets the fuel tank capacity.
fuelTankCap | Fuel tank cap. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetFullAccelMaring | ( | float | fullAccelMaring | ) |
Sets the full accel maring.
fullAccelMaring | Full accel maring. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetGravity | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the gravity.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetHeightMargin | ( | float | heightMar | ) |
Sets the height margin.
heightMar | Height mar. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetHFactorExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the H factor external physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetHumanError | ( | float | humanErr | ) |
Sets the human error.
humanErr | Human error. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetLap | ( | int | lap | ) |
Sets the lap. This is for internal use only.
lap | Lap. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetLength_Margin | ( | float | length_margin | ) |
Sets the length_ margin.
length_margin | Length_margin. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetLookahead_factor | ( | float | Lookahead_factor | ) |
Sets the lookahead_factor.
Lookahead_factor | Lookahead_factor. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetMaxDriftAngle | ( | float | maxDriftAng | ) |
Sets the max drift angle.
maxDriftAng | Max drift ang. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetMaxSteerLockExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the max steer lock external physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetOvertakeFactor | ( | float | overtakeFac | ) |
Sets the overtake factor.
overtakeFac | Overtake fac. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMax | ( | float | overtakeOffsetIncMax | ) |
Sets the overtake offset increment max.
overtakeOffsetIncMax | Overtake offset inc max. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetOvertakeOffsetIncrementMin | ( | float | overtakeOffsetIncMin | ) |
Sets the overtake offset increment minimum.
overtakeOffsetIncMin | Overtake offset inc minimum. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetOvertakeSpeedDiference | ( | float | overtakeSpeedDif | ) |
Sets the overtake speed diference.
overtakeSpeedDif | Overtake speed dif. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetPosition | ( | float | position | ) |
Sets the position. This is not the race position, this is for internal use, it sets the position on the track of the car with respect to the starting line.
position | Position. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetRespawnTimer | ( | float | time | ) |
Sets the respawn timer.
time | Time. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetShifFactor | ( | float | shifFac | ) |
Sets the shif factor.
shifFac | Shif fac. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetSide_Margin | ( | float | Side_Margin | ) |
Sets the side_ margin.
Side_Margin | Side_ margin. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetSideMargin | ( | float | sideMar | ) |
Sets the side margin.
sideMar | Side mar. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetSpeedSteeringFactor | ( | float | speedSteeringFac | ) |
Sets the speed steering factor.
speedSteeringFac | Speed steering fac. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetStartTime | ( | float | time | ) |
Sets the start time. This is for internal use only.
time | Time. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetSteeringDriftFactor | ( | float | steeringDriftFac | ) |
Sets the steering drift factor.
steeringDriftFac | Steering drift fac. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetStucked | ( | bool | val | ) |
Sets the stucked.
val | If set to true value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetTireSlipAngleExternalPhysics | ( | bool | value | ) |
Sets the tire slip angle external physics.
value | If set to true value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetTotalTime | ( | float | time | ) |
Sets the total time. Sets the total time for the race of this car. This is intended for internal use only.
time | Time. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetTyrechangePorcentage | ( | float | tyrechangePorcent | ) |
Sets the tyrechange porcentage.
tyrechangePorcent | Tyrechange porcent. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetTyreWearExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the tyre wear external physics.
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetUnstuckTime | ( | float | time | ) |
Sets the unstuck time.
time | Time. |
void IRDSCarControllerAI.SetWingaFactorExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the winga factor external physics.
value | Value. |
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.alreadyPit = false |
The already pit.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.alwaysRespawn = false |
The always respawn.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.autoBrake = false |
The auto brake.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.autoSteering = false |
The auto steering.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.autoThrottle = false |
The auto throttle.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.backToLineIncrement = 0.01f |
The back to line increment.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.blueFlag = false |
The blue flag.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.captureTheFlagHitStrength = 1f |
The capture the flag hit strength.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.changeFrontTires = true |
The change front tires.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.changeRearTires = true |
The change rear tires.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.chargeFuel = true |
The charge fuel.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.checkPointTimeLeft =0f |
The check point time left.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.checkPointTimer =50 |
The check point timer.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.copAgressivenessMultiplier = 1f |
The cop agressiveness multiplier.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.copBrakeRange = 10f |
The cop brake range.
IRDSCarControllerAI IRDSCarControllerAI.copCurrentTarget |
The cop current target.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.copHitBrakes = false |
The cop hit brakes.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.copLockOnDistance = 5f |
The cop lock on distance.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.copMode = false |
The cop mode.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.copPatrolMode = false |
The cop patrol mode.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.copPatrolSpeed = 27f |
The cop patrol speed.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.copTargetBehind = false |
The cop target behind.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.copTargetDist = 0f |
The cop target dist.
List<IRDSCopTrails> IRDSCarControllerAI.copTrail = new List<IRDSCopTrails>() |
The cop trail.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.CorneringSpeedFactorDAC =1 |
The cornering speed factor DA.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.currentCheckPoint = 0 |
The current check point.
Transform IRDSCarControllerAI.currentTrail |
The current trail.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.CW |
The C.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.driveThroughPits = false |
The drive through pits.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.enableDAC = false |
The enable DA.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.fastestLapTime = 0 |
The fastest lap time.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.firstWaypointSpdRest = 0 |
The first waypoint spd rest.
GameObject IRDSCarControllerAI.flag |
The flag.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.haveTheFlag = false |
The have the flag.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.hitObject = false |
The hit object.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.ignoreBankedAngle = false |
The ignore banked angle. This is for internal use only.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.isExternalCarPhysics = false |
The is external car physics.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.isNetworkCar = false |
is this a network car? this would help when using PUN framework
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.isPitting = false |
The is pitting.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.jumpThrottleMulpilier = 1f |
The jump throttle mulpilier.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.jumpThrottleTime = 0.5f |
The jump throttle time.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.jumpThrottleTimer = 0f |
The jump throttle timer.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.lastManStandingTimeLeft =0f |
The last man standing time left.
float [] IRDSCarControllerAI.lastOvertakeTime |
The last overtake time.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.lastTimeWithFlag = 0f |
The last time with flag.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.lastWaypointSpdRest = 0 |
The last waypoint spd rest.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.LookAheadConst = 10f |
The look ahead const.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.lookAheadDistance = 0f |
The look ahead distance.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.maxAgressivenesOnBrakeDAC = 1f |
The max agressivenes on brake DA.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.maxCorneringSpeedFactorDAC = 2f |
The max cornering speed factor DA.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.minAgressivenesOnBrakeDAC = 0.5f |
The minimum agressivenes on brake DA.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.minCorneringSpeedFactorDAC = 1f |
The minimum cornering speed factor DA.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.myGridPosition = 0 |
My grid position.
Texture2D IRDSCarControllerAI.myIcon |
My icon.
IRDSobstaclesInRange IRDSCarControllerAI.obstacle1 = new IRDSobstaclesInRange() |
The obstacle1.
bool [] IRDSCarControllerAI.obstacleIsInRange |
The obstacle is in range.
List<IRDSobstaclesInRange> IRDSCarControllerAI.obstaclesInRange = new List<IRDSobstaclesInRange>() |
The obstacles in range.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.offTrackThrottleMulpilier = 1f |
The off track throttle mulpilier.
OnLapCompleted IRDSCarControllerAI.onLapCompleted |
The on lap completed callback. This callback is called once each time a lap is completed.
OnLapCompletedValue IRDSCarControllerAI.onLapCompletedValue |
The on lap completed value. This is the same as onLapCompleted but also sends the current lap as parameter.
OnRaceEnd IRDSCarControllerAI.onRaceEnd |
The on race end callback. This callback is called once when this car instance ends the race.
OnRaceStart IRDSCarControllerAI.onRaceStart |
The on race start callback. This callback is called once for each car instance.
OnRespawn IRDSCarControllerAI.onRespawn |
The on respawn callback. This callback is called once when this car instance is respawned.
OnUnstuck IRDSCarControllerAI.onUnstuck |
The on unstuck callback. This callback is called once when the AI is getting unstuck.
OnUnStucked IRDSCarControllerAI.onUnStucked |
The on Unstucked callback. This callback is called once when the AI is Unstucked.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.originalAutoBrake = false |
The original auto brake.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.overrideNitroInput = false |
The override nitro input.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.pitsAutopilot = true |
The pits autopilot.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.pitsTime = 15 |
The pits time.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.player1IndexDAC = -1 |
The player1 index DA.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.playerNumber = -1 |
The player number.
int IRDSCarControllerAI.racePosition = 0 |
The race position.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.raceStartTime |
The race start time.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.resetTime = 1.0f |
The reset time.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.resetTimer = 0.0f |
The reset timer.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.respawn = true |
The respawn.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.respawnAtWP = true |
The respawn at W.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.respawnHeight = 0.5f |
The height of the respawn.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.respawnOutOfLimitMaxDistance = 0f |
The respawn out of limit max distance. If this is set to 0 it would be disabled, other wise the cars would be respawned if they get their distance from the racing line higher than this distance.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.respawnSpeed = 15 |
The respawn speed.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.rollingStart = true |
Rolling start. This is for internal use only!, this is set by the System if rolling start have been selected as the race start type.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.shiftUpFactor = 0.95f |
The shift up factor.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.spdLimit = 0 |
The spd limit.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.speedOverride = 0f |
The speed override. Set this variable to the desired speed(m/s) you want the AI to run at. The speed is in meters per seconds.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.speedTrapPoints = 0f |
The speed trap points.
IRDSStatistics IRDSCarControllerAI.stats |
The stats.
SubTrackChooseModes IRDSCarControllerAI.subTrackChoosedMode = SubTrackChooseModes.Fastest |
The sub track choosed mode.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.targetDistanceFromPlayer = 15f |
The target distance from player.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.targetDistanceFromPlayerThreshold = 25f |
The target distance from player threshold.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.threeWideStyle = false |
The three wide style.
float IRDSCarControllerAI.tireBrakeForce = 0 |
The tire brake force.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.tireSlipRatio = false |
The tire slip ratio.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.wasJumping = false |
The was jumping.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.wrongWay = false |
The wrong way.
bool IRDSCarControllerAI.yellowFlag = false |
The yellow flag.
getset |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is player.
if this instance is player; otherwise, false