![]() |
iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System
Classes | |
class | IRDSLabels |
class | IRDSTextures |
Public Member Functions | |
IRDSCarCamera | GetCarCamera () |
Gets the car camera. More... | |
bool | GetPlayerStatsActive () |
Gets the player stats active. More... | |
bool | GetPositionActive () |
Gets the position active. More... | |
bool | GetLapActive () |
Gets the lap active. More... | |
bool | GetLapTimesActive () |
Gets the lap times active. More... | |
bool | GetMiniMapsActive () |
Gets the mini maps active. More... | |
void | SetPlayerStatsActive (bool active) |
Sets the player stats active. More... | |
void | SetPositionActive (bool active) |
Sets the position active. More... | |
void | SetLapActive (bool active) |
Sets the lap active. More... | |
void | SetLapTimesActive (bool active) |
Sets the lap times active. More... | |
void | SetMiniMapsActive (bool active) |
Sets the mini maps active. More... | |
IRDSCarControllerAI[] | GetAllDrivers () |
Gets all drivers. This method returns the array of all drivers ordered by race position, notice that this is slower than the method GetAllDriversList(), since this method needs to convert from List to array. More... | |
List< IRDSCarControllerAI > | GetAllDriversList () |
Gets all drivers list. This method returns the native list of all drivers ordered by race position. More... | |
void | AddOpponent (IRDSCarControllerAI newOpp) |
bool | RemoveOpponent (IRDSCarControllerAI Opp) |
int | GetCarPosition (IRDSCarControllerAI carToFind) |
Gets the car race position. More... | |
delegate void | OnRaceStart () |
delegate void | OnCurrentCarLapCompleted (int currentLap) |
void | StartTheRace () |
Starts the race. This methods is only effective if the startRaceManually is set to true on the levelload object before loading the track scene, or if the startRaceManually variable is set to true on this class on the awake or start method. This method would also work if you are using freeCamera and forceFreeCamera options to start the race. More... | |
int | GetCurrentCarPosition () |
float | GetCurrentCarTotalTime () |
string | GetCurrentCarTotalTimeString () |
bool | GetCurrentCarEndRace () |
void | activateGUI () |
Activates the GUI. More... | |
void | deactivateGUI () |
Deactivates the GUI. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | GetCanRace () |
Gets the can race. More... | |
static void | SetCanRace (bool flag) |
Sets the can race. More... | |
static IRDSCarControllerAI | GetCurrentCar () |
Gets the current car. More... | |
static void | SetCurrentCar (IRDSCarControllerAI car) |
Sets the current car. More... | |
static int | GetTotalLaps () |
Gets the total laps. More... | |
static void | RestartRaceWithoutDestroyingCars () |
Restarts the race without destroying cars. This is useful for networking games, were you want to restart the race without having to reload the scene, note that the reposition of the cars needs to be done manually by script. More... | |
static void | DestroyAllCars () |
Destroys all cars. More... | |
static void | Initialize () |
Initialize this instance. this initialize this class instance and also the camera instance. More... | |
static void | ForceStandingsUpdate () |
Public Attributes | |
Vector2 | terrainSize = new Vector2(0,0) |
The size of the terrain. More... | |
bool | reverseCountDown = true |
The reverse count down. More... | |
int | startCounterTime = 3 |
The start counter time. More... | |
IRDSTextures[] | newTextures |
The new textures. More... | |
IRDSLabels[] | newLabels |
The new labels. More... | |
string | laptimeText = "Lap time: " |
The laptime text. More... | |
bool[] | stickTogether = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false} |
The stick together. More... | |
Vector2 | mapIconsOffset = Vector2.zero |
The map icons offset. More... | |
float | statsEndOffSetX = 0.5f |
The stats end off set x. More... | |
float | statsEndOffSetY = 0.5f |
The stats end off set y. More... | |
bool | showDriverNameEndStats = true |
Show driver name end stats. More... | |
bool | showCarNameEndStats = false |
Show car name end stats. More... | |
bool | showDriverLapTimeEndStats = false |
Show driver lap time end stats. More... | |
bool | showDriverLapsEndStats = false |
Show driver laps end stats. More... | |
bool | showDriverTotalTimeEndStats = false |
Show driver total time end stats. More... | |
int | statsEndLineSpace = 0 |
The stats end line space. More... | |
int | statsLineSpace = 0 |
The stats line space. More... | |
Font | statsEndFonts |
The stats end fonts. More... | |
int | statsEndFontSize |
The size of the stats end font. More... | |
Color | statsEndColor = Color.white |
The color of the stats end. More... | |
Color | statsEndHighlightColor = Color.yellow |
The color of the stats end highlight. More... | |
bool | dontAddCops = true |
The dont add cops. More... | |
bool | lineMinimap = false |
The line minimap. More... | |
bool | verticalMinimap = false |
The vertical minimap. More... | |
System.Text.StringBuilder | displayedText = new System.Text.StringBuilder(50) |
The displayed text. More... | |
int | currentCarLastLap = 0 |
The current car last lap. More... | |
IRDSManager | manager |
The manager. More... | |
bool | showDriverSpeed = false |
Show driver speed. More... | |
bool | showDriverSpeedEndStats = false |
Show driver speed end stats. More... | |
bool | showSpeedInKMH = false |
Show speed in KM. More... | |
bool | showSpeedInKMHEndStats = false |
Show speed in KMH end stats. More... | |
bool | enableEndRaceStandings = true |
Enable end race standings. More... | |
float | currentCarIconSize = 20f |
The size of the current car icon. More... | |
bool | startRaceManually = false |
The start race manually. This option would override the start race after the initial preview, to make it start manually, take into account that if there is the counter setup with more than 0 seconds, the counter would start after this option is set to false, if the counter is set to 0 seconds, the race would start inmediatly after this option is set to false. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static float | raceStartTime = 0 |
The race start time. More... | |
static int | racePositionFlag = 0 |
The race position flag. More... | |
static IRDSStatistics | mainInstance |
The main instance. Deprecated, use instance property instead. More... | |
Properties | |
static IRDSStatistics | instance [get] |
Gets the main instance of this class (singleton). More... | |
Events | |
OnRaceStart | onRaceStart |
The on race start callback. This callback is called once when the race starts. More... | |
OnCurrentCarLapCompleted | onCurrentCarLapCompleted |
The on current car lap completed callback. This delegate gets triggered when lap is completed for the current car and sends as parameter the lap numbes as an int. More... | |
void IRDSStatistics.activateGUI | ( | ) |
Activates the GUI.
void IRDSStatistics.deactivateGUI | ( | ) |
Deactivates the GUI.
static |
Destroys all cars.
IRDSCarControllerAI [] IRDSStatistics.GetAllDrivers | ( | ) |
Gets all drivers. This method returns the array of all drivers ordered by race position, notice that this is slower than the method GetAllDriversList(), since this method needs to convert from List to array.
List<IRDSCarControllerAI> IRDSStatistics.GetAllDriversList | ( | ) |
Gets all drivers list. This method returns the native list of all drivers ordered by race position.
static |
Gets the can race.
, if can race was gotten, false
otherwise.IRDSCarCamera IRDSStatistics.GetCarCamera | ( | ) |
Gets the car camera.
int IRDSStatistics.GetCarPosition | ( | IRDSCarControllerAI | carToFind | ) |
Gets the car race position.
carToFind | Car to find. |
static |
Gets the current car.
bool IRDSStatistics.GetLapActive | ( | ) |
Gets the lap active.
, if lap active was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSStatistics.GetLapTimesActive | ( | ) |
Gets the lap times active.
, if lap times active was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSStatistics.GetMiniMapsActive | ( | ) |
Gets the mini maps active.
, if mini maps active was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSStatistics.GetPlayerStatsActive | ( | ) |
Gets the player stats active.
, if player stats active was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSStatistics.GetPositionActive | ( | ) |
Gets the position active.
, if position active was gotten, false
static |
Gets the total laps.
static |
Initialize this instance. this initialize this class instance and also the camera instance.
static |
Restarts the race without destroying cars. This is useful for networking games, were you want to restart the race without having to reload the scene, note that the reposition of the cars needs to be done manually by script.
static |
Sets the can race.
flag | If set to true flag. |
static |
Sets the current car.
car | Car. |
void IRDSStatistics.SetLapActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Sets the lap active.
active | If set to true active. |
void IRDSStatistics.SetLapTimesActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Sets the lap times active.
active | If set to true active. |
void IRDSStatistics.SetMiniMapsActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Sets the mini maps active.
active | If set to true active. |
void IRDSStatistics.SetPlayerStatsActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Sets the player stats active.
active | If set to true active. |
void IRDSStatistics.SetPositionActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Sets the position active.
active | If set to true active. |
void IRDSStatistics.StartTheRace | ( | ) |
Starts the race. This methods is only effective if the startRaceManually is set to true on the levelload object before loading the track scene, or if the startRaceManually variable is set to true on this class on the awake or start method. This method would also work if you are using freeCamera and forceFreeCamera options to start the race.
float IRDSStatistics.currentCarIconSize = 20f |
The size of the current car icon.
int IRDSStatistics.currentCarLastLap = 0 |
The current car last lap.
System.Text.StringBuilder IRDSStatistics.displayedText = new System.Text.StringBuilder(50) |
The displayed text.
bool IRDSStatistics.dontAddCops = true |
The dont add cops.
bool IRDSStatistics.enableEndRaceStandings = true |
Enable end race standings.
string IRDSStatistics.laptimeText = "Lap time: " |
The laptime text.
bool IRDSStatistics.lineMinimap = false |
The line minimap.
static |
The main instance. Deprecated, use instance property instead.
IRDSManager IRDSStatistics.manager |
The manager.
Vector2 IRDSStatistics.mapIconsOffset = Vector2.zero |
The map icons offset.
IRDSLabels [] IRDSStatistics.newLabels |
The new labels.
IRDSTextures [] IRDSStatistics.newTextures |
The new textures.
static |
The race position flag.
static |
The race start time.
bool IRDSStatistics.reverseCountDown = true |
The reverse count down.
bool IRDSStatistics.showCarNameEndStats = false |
Show car name end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverLapsEndStats = false |
Show driver laps end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverLapTimeEndStats = false |
Show driver lap time end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverNameEndStats = true |
Show driver name end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverSpeed = false |
Show driver speed.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverSpeedEndStats = false |
Show driver speed end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showDriverTotalTimeEndStats = false |
Show driver total time end stats.
bool IRDSStatistics.showSpeedInKMH = false |
Show speed in KM.
bool IRDSStatistics.showSpeedInKMHEndStats = false |
Show speed in KMH end stats.
int IRDSStatistics.startCounterTime = 3 |
The start counter time.
bool IRDSStatistics.startRaceManually = false |
The start race manually. This option would override the start race after the initial preview, to make it start manually, take into account that if there is the counter setup with more than 0 seconds, the counter would start after this option is set to false, if the counter is set to 0 seconds, the race would start inmediatly after this option is set to false.
Color IRDSStatistics.statsEndColor = Color.white |
The color of the stats end.
Font IRDSStatistics.statsEndFonts |
The stats end fonts.
int IRDSStatistics.statsEndFontSize |
The size of the stats end font.
Color IRDSStatistics.statsEndHighlightColor = Color.yellow |
The color of the stats end highlight.
int IRDSStatistics.statsEndLineSpace = 0 |
The stats end line space.
float IRDSStatistics.statsEndOffSetX = 0.5f |
The stats end off set x.
float IRDSStatistics.statsEndOffSetY = 0.5f |
The stats end off set y.
int IRDSStatistics.statsLineSpace = 0 |
The stats line space.
bool [] IRDSStatistics.stickTogether = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false} |
The stick together.
Vector2 IRDSStatistics.terrainSize = new Vector2(0,0) |
The size of the terrain.
bool IRDSStatistics.verticalMinimap = false |
The vertical minimap.
staticget |
Gets the main instance of this class (singleton).
The main instance.
OnCurrentCarLapCompleted IRDSStatistics.onCurrentCarLapCompleted |
The on current car lap completed callback. This delegate gets triggered when lap is completed for the current car and sends as parameter the lap numbes as an int.
OnRaceStart IRDSStatistics.onRaceStart |
The on race start callback. This callback is called once when the race starts.