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iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System
Public Member Functions | |
bool | GetOnGround () |
Gets if all the tires are touching the gorund, if any tire is not touching the ground it returns false. More... | |
bool | GetOnTrack () |
Gets true if the material that are touching any of the tires have a dynamic friction of 1 (this means is tarmac) and returns false otherwise. More... | |
float | GetTopSpeed () |
Gets the top speed in KMH. if you want it in meters per secons, devide it by 3.6, if you want it in MPH divide it by 1.6. More... | |
float | GetCarSpeed () |
Gets the car speed in meters per second, if you want the speed in KMH just multiply it by 3.6 and if you want it in MPH multiply it by 2.25 More... | |
void | SetCarSpeed (float speed) |
Sets the car speed in meters per second. More... | |
float | GetTCLSlip () |
Gets the TCL slip factor. it returns a value from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | SetTCLSlip (float tclSlip) |
Sets the TCL slip factor. Accepted values are from 0 to 1. 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled, the higher the value the less the effect of the traction control. More... | |
float | GetABSSlip () |
Gets the ABS slip factor. Returned values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | SetABSSlip (float absSlip) |
Sets the ABS slip. Accepted values are from 0 to 1. 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled, the higher the value the less the effect of the ABS for the brakes. More... | |
float | GetTCLMinSPD () |
Gets the TCL minimum Speed for activating the traction control. More... | |
void | SetTCLMinSPD (float tclMinSPD) |
Sets the TCL minimum Speed for activating the traction control, accepted values are from o to any positive number. More... | |
float | GetescFactor () |
Get the esc factor. this is the estability control factor, ranges from 0 to 1, 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled. More... | |
void | SetescFactor (float escfactor) |
Sets the esc factor. Accepted values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
float | GetSteerHelpFactor () |
Gets the steer help factor. returns a float that Ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | SetSteerHelpFactor (float SteerHelpfactor) |
Sets the steer help factor. Accepted values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | SetDigitalControl (bool digital) |
Sets the digital control. Obsolete, not used anymore. More... | |
bool | GetDigitalControl () |
Gets the digital control. Obsolete, not used anymore. More... | |
float | GetSlipVelo () |
Gets the slip velo. Returns the magnitude of the slip velocity vector. More... | |
float | GetBrakeInput () |
Gets the brake input. Ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
float | GetMaxRpms () |
Gets the max rpms. This gets the maximum RPM of the engine. More... | |
float | GetRpms () |
Gets the actual rpms of the engine. More... | |
float | GetLastShiftTime () |
Gets the last shift time. More... | |
bool | GetCarPilot () |
Gets the car pilot value, true if this car is controlled by a player and false if controlled by the AI. More... | |
void | SetCarPilot (bool flag) |
Sets the car pilot value, true if this car is controlled by a player and false if controlled by the AI. Used internally by the system, but can be used for some specific purposes. More... | |
void | setBrakeInput (float brake1) |
Sets the brake input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | setThrottleInput (float throttle) |
Sets the throttle input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | setSteerInput (float SteerInput) |
Sets the steer input. Accepted value ranges are from -1 to 1. More... | |
void | setHandBrakeInput (float Hbrake) |
Sets the hand brake input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | setClutchInput (float clutch) |
Sets the clutch input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1. More... | |
void | StartEngine () |
Starts the engine. More... | |
IRDSDrivetrain | GetDrivetrain () |
Gets the drivetrain class reference. More... | |
IRDSWheel[] | GetIRDSWheels () |
Gets the IRDS wheels this car have. More... | |
bool | GetGoPits () |
Gets the go pits value. True means this car is either going to the pits or on the pits. More... | |
void | SetGoPits (bool _goPits) |
Sets the go pits value. True or false. More... | |
float | GetSteerInput () |
Gets the steer input, values ranges from -1 to 1. More... | |
float | GetThrottleInput () |
Gets the throttle input, values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
float | GetHandBrakeInput () |
Gets the hand brake input, values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
float | GetClutchInput () |
Gets the clutch input, values ranges from 0 to 1. More... | |
int | GetGearInput () |
Gets the actual gear of the drivetrain. More... | |
void | SetTopSpeedExternalPhysics (float value) |
Sets the top speed external physics. This value needs to be set in KMH More... | |
IRDSSoundController | GetSoundController () |
Gets the sound controller. More... | |
IRDSWing[] | GetWings () |
Gets the wings. More... | |
IRDSCarVisuals | GetCarVisuals () |
Gets the car visuals. More... | |
IRDSAerodynamicResistance | GetAerodynamicResistance () |
Gets the aerodynamic resistance. More... | |
IRDSAntiRollBar[] | GetAntiRollBars () |
Gets the anti roll bars. More... | |
IRDSCarDamage | GetCarDamage () |
Gets the car damage. More... | |
IRDSPlayerControls | GetPlayerControls () |
Gets the player controls. More... | |
delegate void | OnInputsUpdate (float steering, float throttle, float brake, float handBrake) |
void | SetCenterOfMass () |
Sets the center of mass. More... | |
void | shiftUp () |
void | shiftDown () |
Public Attributes | |
bool | absEnable = true |
The abs enable. More... | |
bool | escEnable = true |
The esc enable. More... | |
bool | tclEnable = true |
The tcl enable. More... | |
bool | steerHelpEnable = true |
The steer help enable. More... | |
bool | absTriggered = false |
The abs triggered. More... | |
bool | escTriggered = false |
The esc triggered. More... | |
bool | tclTriggered = false |
The tcl triggered. More... | |
bool | steerHelpTriggered = false |
The steer help triggered. More... | |
float | clampFactor = 0 |
The clamp factor. More... | |
float | inputClutch |
The input clutch. More... | |
bool | startEngine = false |
The start engine. More... | |
bool | grassSound = false |
The grass sound. More... | |
bool | gravelSound = false |
The gravel sound. More... | |
IRDSSoundController | soundController |
The sound controller. More... | |
IRDSWing[] | wings |
The wings. More... | |
IRDSCarVisuals | carVisuals |
The car visuals. More... | |
IRDSAerodynamicResistance | airResistance |
The air resistance. More... | |
IRDSAntiRollBar[] | antirollbars |
The antirollbars. More... | |
IRDSCarDamage | carDamage |
The car damage. More... | |
IRDSPlayerControls | playerControls |
The player controls. More... | |
float | lastEngineStart = -100 |
The last engine start. More... | |
Rigidbody | body |
The body. More... | |
Vector3 | bodyVelocity |
The body velocity. More... | |
bool | auto1 |
The auto1. More... | |
bool | auto2 |
The auto2. More... | |
bool | auto3 |
The auto3. More... | |
bool | activateNitro |
The activate nitro. More... | |
bool | activatePoliceSiren = false |
The activate police siren. More... | |
bool | isTopSpeedLimited = false |
The is top speed limited. More... | |
float | topSpeedLimit = 100f |
The top speed limit. More... | |
IRDSCarControllInput | trailer |
The trailer. More... | |
Bounds | carSize |
The size of the car. More... | |
int | targetGearExtarnelPhysics = 0 |
The target gear extarnel physics. More... | |
float | rpmExternalPhysics = 0f |
The rpm external physics. More... | |
float | maxRpmExternalPhysics = 0f |
The max rpm external physics. More... | |
int | gearRatiosLengthExternalPhysics = 0 |
The gear ratios length external physics. More... | |
float[] | gearSpeedsExternalCarPhysics |
The gear speeds external car physics. More... | |
bool | allTiresOffGround = false |
All tires off ground. More... | |
bool | overrideBrake = false |
The override brake. More... | |
bool | useSimplePhysics = false |
The use simple physics. More... | |
OnInputsUpdate | onInputsUpdate |
The on inputs update callback. This is for sending the signals of the inputs to the Physics scripts like the drivetrain, in this case for the simple physics script. More... | |
float | frontAxleDist = 0 |
float | rearAxleDist = 0 |
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetABSSlip | ( | ) |
Gets the ABS slip factor. Returned values ranges from 0 to 1.
IRDSAerodynamicResistance IRDSCarControllInput.GetAerodynamicResistance | ( | ) |
Gets the aerodynamic resistance.
IRDSAntiRollBar [] IRDSCarControllInput.GetAntiRollBars | ( | ) |
Gets the anti roll bars.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetBrakeInput | ( | ) |
Gets the brake input. Ranges from 0 to 1.
IRDSCarDamage IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarDamage | ( | ) |
Gets the car damage.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarPilot | ( | ) |
Gets the car pilot value, true if this car is controlled by a player and false if controlled by the AI.
, if car pilot was gotten, false
otherwise.float IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarSpeed | ( | ) |
Gets the car speed in meters per second, if you want the speed in KMH just multiply it by 3.6 and if you want it in MPH multiply it by 2.25
IRDSCarVisuals IRDSCarControllInput.GetCarVisuals | ( | ) |
Gets the car visuals.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetClutchInput | ( | ) |
Gets the clutch input, values ranges from 0 to 1.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.GetDigitalControl | ( | ) |
Gets the digital control. Obsolete, not used anymore.
, if digital control was gotten, false
otherwise.IRDSDrivetrain IRDSCarControllInput.GetDrivetrain | ( | ) |
Gets the drivetrain class reference.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetescFactor | ( | ) |
Get the esc factor. this is the estability control factor, ranges from 0 to 1, 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled.
int IRDSCarControllInput.GetGearInput | ( | ) |
Gets the actual gear of the drivetrain.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.GetGoPits | ( | ) |
Gets the go pits value. True means this car is either going to the pits or on the pits.
, if go pits was gotten, false
otherwise.float IRDSCarControllInput.GetHandBrakeInput | ( | ) |
Gets the hand brake input, values ranges from 0 to 1.
IRDSWheel [] IRDSCarControllInput.GetIRDSWheels | ( | ) |
Gets the IRDS wheels this car have.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetLastShiftTime | ( | ) |
Gets the last shift time.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetMaxRpms | ( | ) |
Gets the max rpms. This gets the maximum RPM of the engine.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.GetOnGround | ( | ) |
Gets if all the tires are touching the gorund, if any tire is not touching the ground it returns false.
, if on ground was gotten, false
otherwise.bool IRDSCarControllInput.GetOnTrack | ( | ) |
Gets true if the material that are touching any of the tires have a dynamic friction of 1 (this means is tarmac) and returns false otherwise.
, if on track was gotten, false
otherwise.IRDSPlayerControls IRDSCarControllInput.GetPlayerControls | ( | ) |
Gets the player controls.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetRpms | ( | ) |
Gets the actual rpms of the engine.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetSlipVelo | ( | ) |
Gets the slip velo. Returns the magnitude of the slip velocity vector.
IRDSSoundController IRDSCarControllInput.GetSoundController | ( | ) |
Gets the sound controller.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetSteerHelpFactor | ( | ) |
Gets the steer help factor. returns a float that Ranges from 0 to 1.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetSteerInput | ( | ) |
Gets the steer input, values ranges from -1 to 1.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetTCLMinSPD | ( | ) |
Gets the TCL minimum Speed for activating the traction control.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetTCLSlip | ( | ) |
Gets the TCL slip factor. it returns a value from 0 to 1.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetThrottleInput | ( | ) |
Gets the throttle input, values ranges from 0 to 1.
float IRDSCarControllInput.GetTopSpeed | ( | ) |
Gets the top speed in KMH. if you want it in meters per secons, devide it by 3.6, if you want it in MPH divide it by 1.6.
IRDSWing [] IRDSCarControllInput.GetWings | ( | ) |
Gets the wings.
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetABSSlip | ( | float | absSlip | ) |
Sets the ABS slip. Accepted values are from 0 to 1. 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled, the higher the value the less the effect of the ABS for the brakes.
absSlip | Abs slip. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.setBrakeInput | ( | float | brake1 | ) |
Sets the brake input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1.
brake1 | Brake1. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetCarPilot | ( | bool | flag | ) |
Sets the car pilot value, true if this car is controlled by a player and false if controlled by the AI. Used internally by the system, but can be used for some specific purposes.
flag | If set to true flag. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetCarSpeed | ( | float | speed | ) |
Sets the car speed in meters per second.
speed | Speed. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetCenterOfMass | ( | ) |
Sets the center of mass.
void IRDSCarControllInput.setClutchInput | ( | float | clutch | ) |
Sets the clutch input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1.
clutch | Clutch. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetDigitalControl | ( | bool | digital | ) |
Sets the digital control. Obsolete, not used anymore.
digital | If set to true digital. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetescFactor | ( | float | escfactor | ) |
Sets the esc factor. Accepted values ranges from 0 to 1.
escfactor | Escfactor. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetGoPits | ( | bool | _goPits | ) |
Sets the go pits value. True or false.
_goPits | If set to true _go pits. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.setHandBrakeInput | ( | float | Hbrake | ) |
Sets the hand brake input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1.
Hbrake | Hbrake. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetSteerHelpFactor | ( | float | SteerHelpfactor | ) |
Sets the steer help factor. Accepted values ranges from 0 to 1.
SteerHelpfactor | Steer helpfactor. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.setSteerInput | ( | float | SteerInput | ) |
Sets the steer input. Accepted value ranges are from -1 to 1.
SteerInput | Steer input. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetTCLMinSPD | ( | float | tclMinSPD | ) |
Sets the TCL minimum Speed for activating the traction control, accepted values are from o to any positive number.
tclMinSPD | Tcl minimum SP. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetTCLSlip | ( | float | tclSlip | ) |
Sets the TCL slip factor. Accepted values are from 0 to 1. 0 and 1 means disabled and in between enabled, the higher the value the less the effect of the traction control.
tclSlip | Tcl slip. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.setThrottleInput | ( | float | throttle | ) |
Sets the throttle input. Accepted value ranges are from 0 to 1.
throttle | Throttle. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.SetTopSpeedExternalPhysics | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the top speed external physics. This value needs to be set in KMH
value | Value. |
void IRDSCarControllInput.StartEngine | ( | ) |
Starts the engine.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.absEnable = true |
The abs enable.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.absTriggered = false |
The abs triggered.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.activateNitro |
The activate nitro.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.activatePoliceSiren = false |
The activate police siren.
IRDSAerodynamicResistance IRDSCarControllInput.airResistance |
The air resistance.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.allTiresOffGround = false |
All tires off ground.
IRDSAntiRollBar [] IRDSCarControllInput.antirollbars |
The antirollbars.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.auto1 |
The auto1.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.auto2 |
The auto2.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.auto3 |
The auto3.
Rigidbody IRDSCarControllInput.body |
The body.
Vector3 IRDSCarControllInput.bodyVelocity |
The body velocity.
IRDSCarDamage IRDSCarControllInput.carDamage |
The car damage.
Bounds IRDSCarControllInput.carSize |
The size of the car.
IRDSCarVisuals IRDSCarControllInput.carVisuals |
The car visuals.
float IRDSCarControllInput.clampFactor = 0 |
The clamp factor.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.escEnable = true |
The esc enable.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.escTriggered = false |
The esc triggered.
int IRDSCarControllInput.gearRatiosLengthExternalPhysics = 0 |
The gear ratios length external physics.
float [] IRDSCarControllInput.gearSpeedsExternalCarPhysics |
The gear speeds external car physics.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.grassSound = false |
The grass sound.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.gravelSound = false |
The gravel sound.
float IRDSCarControllInput.inputClutch |
The input clutch.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.isTopSpeedLimited = false |
The is top speed limited.
float IRDSCarControllInput.lastEngineStart = -100 |
The last engine start.
float IRDSCarControllInput.maxRpmExternalPhysics = 0f |
The max rpm external physics.
OnInputsUpdate IRDSCarControllInput.onInputsUpdate |
The on inputs update callback. This is for sending the signals of the inputs to the Physics scripts like the drivetrain, in this case for the simple physics script.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.overrideBrake = false |
The override brake.
IRDSPlayerControls IRDSCarControllInput.playerControls |
The player controls.
float IRDSCarControllInput.rpmExternalPhysics = 0f |
The rpm external physics.
IRDSSoundController IRDSCarControllInput.soundController |
The sound controller.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.startEngine = false |
The start engine.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.steerHelpEnable = true |
The steer help enable.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.steerHelpTriggered = false |
The steer help triggered.
int IRDSCarControllInput.targetGearExtarnelPhysics = 0 |
The target gear extarnel physics.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.tclEnable = true |
The tcl enable.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.tclTriggered = false |
The tcl triggered.
float IRDSCarControllInput.topSpeedLimit = 100f |
The top speed limit.
IRDSCarControllInput IRDSCarControllInput.trailer |
The trailer.
bool IRDSCarControllInput.useSimplePhysics = false |
The use simple physics.
IRDSWing [] IRDSCarControllInput.wings |
The wings.