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iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System
Public Attributes | |
float | gearOffSetX = 762 |
The gear off set x. More... | |
float | gearOffSetY = 510 |
The gear off set y. More... | |
int | GearfontSize |
The size of the gearfont. More... | |
Color | gearColor |
The color of the gear. More... | |
float | gearScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the gear screen. More... | |
float | gearScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the gear screen. More... | |
bool | gearGui |
The gear GUI. More... | |
float | gearDepth |
The gear depth. More... | |
Font | gearFont |
The gear font. More... | |
FontStyle | gearFontStyle |
The gear font style. More... | |
float | speedOffSetX = 762 |
The speed off set x. More... | |
float | speedOffSetY = 510 |
The speed off set y. More... | |
int | speedfontSize |
The size of the speedfont. More... | |
Color | speedColor |
The color of the speed. More... | |
float | digitalSpeedScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the digital speed screen. More... | |
float | digitalSpeedScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the digital speed screen. More... | |
bool | digitalSpeed |
The digital speed. More... | |
float | speedDepth |
The speed depth. More... | |
Font | speedFont |
The speed font. More... | |
FontStyle | speedFontStyle |
The speed font style. More... | |
IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType | digitalOdometerType = IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType.KPH |
The type of the digital odometer. More... | |
float | turboGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the turbo gauge dialscreen. More... | |
float | turboGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the turbo gauge dialscreen. More... | |
Texture2D | needleTurboTex |
The needle turbo tex. More... | |
Vector2 | dialTurboPos |
The dial turbo position. More... | |
float | stopTurboAngle |
The stop turbo angle. More... | |
float | topTurboAngle |
The top turbo angle. More... | |
float | dialTurboWidth |
The width of the dial turbo. More... | |
float | dialTurboHeight |
The height of the dial turbo. More... | |
float | needleTurboWidth |
The width of the needle turbo. More... | |
float | needleTurboHeight |
The height of the needle turbo. More... | |
Texture | dialTurboTexture |
The dial turbo texture. More... | |
Vector2 | needleCenterTurbo |
The needle center turbo. More... | |
bool | turboGui |
The turbo GUI. More... | |
float | turboDepth |
The turbo depth. More... | |
float | speedGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the speed gauge dialscreen. More... | |
float | speedGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the speed gauge dialscreen. More... | |
Texture2D | needleSpeedoTex |
The needle speedo tex. More... | |
Vector2 | dialSpeedoPos |
The dial speedo position. More... | |
float | stopSpeedoAngle |
The stop speedo angle. More... | |
float | topSpeedoAngle |
The top speedo angle. More... | |
float | dialSpeedoWidth |
The width of the dial speedo. More... | |
float | dialSpeedoHeight |
The height of the dial speedo. More... | |
float | needleSpeedoWidth |
The width of the needle speedo. More... | |
float | needleSpeedoHeight |
The height of the needle speedo. More... | |
Texture | dialSpeedoTexture |
The dial speedo texture. More... | |
Vector2 | needleCenterSpeedo |
The needle center speedo. More... | |
float | topSpeed |
The top speed. More... | |
float | speedGaugeDepth |
The speed gauge depth. More... | |
bool | analogSpeed |
The analog speed. More... | |
float | rpmGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the rpm gauge dialscreen. More... | |
float | rpmGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the rpm gauge dialscreen. More... | |
Texture2D | needleAcceloTex |
The needle accelo tex. More... | |
Vector2 | dialAcceloPos |
The dial accelo position. More... | |
float | stopAcceloAngle |
The stop accelo angle. More... | |
float | topAcceloAngle |
The top accelo angle. More... | |
float | dialAcceloWidth |
The width of the dial accelo. More... | |
float | dialAcceloHeight |
The height of the dial accelo. More... | |
float | needleAcceloWidth |
The width of the needle accelo. More... | |
float | needleAcceloHeight |
The height of the needle accelo. More... | |
Texture | dialAcceloTexture |
The dial accelo texture. More... | |
Vector2 | needleCenterAccelo |
The needle center accelo. More... | |
bool | analogTachoGauge |
The analog tacho gauge. More... | |
float | tachoanalogDepth |
The tachoanalog depth. More... | |
float | topRpm |
The top rpm. More... | |
float | rpmBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the rpm bar dialscreen. More... | |
float | rpmBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the rpm bar dialscreen. More... | |
Vector2 | dialPos |
The dial position. More... | |
float | dialRpmWidth |
The width of the dial rpm. More... | |
float | dialRpmHeight |
The height of the dial rpm. More... | |
Texture | tachoBarTexture |
The tacho bar texture. More... | |
Texture | tachoBGTexture |
The tacho background texture. More... | |
bool | analogTachoBar |
The analog tacho bar. More... | |
float | tachoBarDepth1 |
The tacho bar depth1. More... | |
float | tachoBarDepth2 |
The tacho bar depth2. More... | |
float | fuelBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the fuel bar dialscreen. More... | |
float | fuelBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the fuel bar dialscreen. More... | |
Vector2 | dialFuelPos |
The dial fuel position. More... | |
float | dialFuelWidth |
The width of the dial fuel. More... | |
Texture | fuelBarTexture |
The fuel bar texture. More... | |
Texture | fuelBGTexture |
The fuel background texture. More... | |
float | dialFuelHeight |
The height of the dial fuel. More... | |
bool | analogBarFuel |
The analog bar fuel. More... | |
float | fuelBarDepth1 |
The fuel bar depth1. More... | |
float | fuelBarDepth2 |
The fuel bar depth2. More... | |
float | fuelGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the fuel gauge dialscreen. More... | |
float | fuelGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the fuel gauge dialscreen. More... | |
Texture2D | needleFuelGaugeTex |
The needle fuel gauge tex. More... | |
Vector2 | dialFuelGaugePos |
The dial fuel gauge position. More... | |
float | stopFuelGaugeAngle |
The stop fuel gauge angle. More... | |
float | topFuelGaugeAngle |
The top fuel gauge angle. More... | |
float | dialFuelGaugeWidth |
The width of the dial fuel gauge. More... | |
float | dialFuelGaugeHeight |
The height of the dial fuel gauge. More... | |
float | needleFuelGaugeWidth |
The width of the needle fuel gauge. More... | |
float | needleFuelGaugeHeight |
The height of the needle fuel gauge. More... | |
Texture | dialFuelTexture |
The dial fuel texture. More... | |
Vector2 | needleCenterFuelGauge |
The needle center fuel gauge. More... | |
bool | analogFuelGauge |
The analog fuel gauge. More... | |
float | fuelAnalogDepth |
The fuel analog depth. More... | |
Texture2D | tireTexture |
The tire texture. More... | |
Vector2 | tirePos |
The tire position. More... | |
float | tireSize |
The size of the tire. More... | |
float | tireScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the tire screen. More... | |
float | tireScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the tire screen. More... | |
int | tireDepth |
The tire depth. More... | |
bool | tireGui |
The tire GUI. More... | |
float | proportionalSize |
The size of the proportional. More... | |
float | tachobarBKOverSize = 0.1f |
The size of the tachobar BK over. More... | |
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogBarFuel |
The analog bar fuel.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogFuelGauge |
The analog fuel gauge.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogSpeed |
The analog speed.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogTachoBar |
The analog tacho bar.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogTachoGauge |
The analog tacho gauge.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloHeight |
The height of the dial accelo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloPos |
The dial accelo position.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloTexture |
The dial accelo texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloWidth |
The width of the dial accelo.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugeHeight |
The height of the dial fuel gauge.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugePos |
The dial fuel gauge position.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugeWidth |
The width of the dial fuel gauge.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelHeight |
The height of the dial fuel.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelPos |
The dial fuel position.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelTexture |
The dial fuel texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelWidth |
The width of the dial fuel.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialPos |
The dial position.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialRpmHeight |
The height of the dial rpm.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialRpmWidth |
The width of the dial rpm.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoHeight |
The height of the dial speedo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoPos |
The dial speedo position.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoTexture |
The dial speedo texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoWidth |
The width of the dial speedo.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboHeight |
The height of the dial turbo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboPos |
The dial turbo position.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboTexture |
The dial turbo texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboWidth |
The width of the dial turbo.
IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalOdometerType = IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType.KPH |
The type of the digital odometer.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeed |
The digital speed.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeedScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the digital speed screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeedScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the digital speed screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelAnalogDepth |
The fuel analog depth.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDepth1 |
The fuel bar depth1.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDepth2 |
The fuel bar depth2.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the fuel bar dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the fuel bar dialscreen.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarTexture |
The fuel bar texture.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBGTexture |
The fuel background texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the fuel gauge dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the fuel gauge dialscreen.
Color IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearColor |
The color of the gear.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearDepth |
The gear depth.
Font IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearFont |
The gear font.
int IRDSCarHUDSettings.GearfontSize |
The size of the gearfont.
FontStyle IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearFontStyle |
The gear font style.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearGui |
The gear GUI.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearOffSetX = 762 |
The gear off set x.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearOffSetY = 510 |
The gear off set y.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the gear screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the gear screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloHeight |
The height of the needle accelo.
Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloTex |
The needle accelo tex.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloWidth |
The width of the needle accelo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterAccelo |
The needle center accelo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterFuelGauge |
The needle center fuel gauge.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterSpeedo |
The needle center speedo.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterTurbo |
The needle center turbo.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeHeight |
The height of the needle fuel gauge.
Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeTex |
The needle fuel gauge tex.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeWidth |
The width of the needle fuel gauge.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoHeight |
The height of the needle speedo.
Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoTex |
The needle speedo tex.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoWidth |
The width of the needle speedo.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboHeight |
The height of the needle turbo.
Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboTex |
The needle turbo tex.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboWidth |
The width of the needle turbo.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.proportionalSize |
The size of the proportional.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the rpm bar dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the rpm bar dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the rpm gauge dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the rpm gauge dialscreen.
Color IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedColor |
The color of the speed.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedDepth |
The speed depth.
Font IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedFont |
The speed font.
int IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedfontSize |
The size of the speedfont.
FontStyle IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedFontStyle |
The speed font style.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDepth |
The speed gauge depth.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the speed gauge dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the speed gauge dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedOffSetX = 762 |
The speed off set x.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedOffSetY = 510 |
The speed off set y.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopAcceloAngle |
The stop accelo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopFuelGaugeAngle |
The stop fuel gauge angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopSpeedoAngle |
The stop speedo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopTurboAngle |
The stop turbo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoanalogDepth |
The tachoanalog depth.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachobarBKOverSize = 0.1f |
The size of the tachobar BK over.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarDepth1 |
The tacho bar depth1.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarDepth2 |
The tacho bar depth2.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarTexture |
The tacho bar texture.
Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBGTexture |
The tacho background texture.
int IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireDepth |
The tire depth.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireGui |
The tire GUI.
Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.tirePos |
The tire position.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireScreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the tire screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireScreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the tire screen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireSize |
The size of the tire.
Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireTexture |
The tire texture.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topAcceloAngle |
The top accelo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topFuelGaugeAngle |
The top fuel gauge angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topRpm |
The top rpm.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topSpeed |
The top speed.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topSpeedoAngle |
The top speedo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topTurboAngle |
The top turbo angle.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboDepth |
The turbo depth.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f |
The height of the turbo gauge dialscreen.
float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f |
The width of the turbo gauge dialscreen.
bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGui |
The turbo GUI.