iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System  V
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IRDSCarHUDSettings Class Reference

Public Attributes

float gearOffSetX = 762
 The gear off set x. More...
float gearOffSetY = 510
 The gear off set y. More...
int GearfontSize
 The size of the gearfont. More...
Color gearColor
 The color of the gear. More...
float gearScreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the gear screen. More...
float gearScreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the gear screen. More...
bool gearGui
 The gear GUI. More...
float gearDepth
 The gear depth. More...
Font gearFont
 The gear font. More...
FontStyle gearFontStyle
 The gear font style. More...
float speedOffSetX = 762
 The speed off set x. More...
float speedOffSetY = 510
 The speed off set y. More...
int speedfontSize
 The size of the speedfont. More...
Color speedColor
 The color of the speed. More...
float digitalSpeedScreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the digital speed screen. More...
float digitalSpeedScreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the digital speed screen. More...
bool digitalSpeed
 The digital speed. More...
float speedDepth
 The speed depth. More...
Font speedFont
 The speed font. More...
FontStyle speedFontStyle
 The speed font style. More...
IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType digitalOdometerType = IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType.KPH
 The type of the digital odometer. More...
float turboGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the turbo gauge dialscreen. More...
float turboGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the turbo gauge dialscreen. More...
Texture2D needleTurboTex
 The needle turbo tex. More...
Vector2 dialTurboPos
 The dial turbo position. More...
float stopTurboAngle
 The stop turbo angle. More...
float topTurboAngle
 The top turbo angle. More...
float dialTurboWidth
 The width of the dial turbo. More...
float dialTurboHeight
 The height of the dial turbo. More...
float needleTurboWidth
 The width of the needle turbo. More...
float needleTurboHeight
 The height of the needle turbo. More...
Texture dialTurboTexture
 The dial turbo texture. More...
Vector2 needleCenterTurbo
 The needle center turbo. More...
bool turboGui
 The turbo GUI. More...
float turboDepth
 The turbo depth. More...
float speedGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the speed gauge dialscreen. More...
float speedGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the speed gauge dialscreen. More...
Texture2D needleSpeedoTex
 The needle speedo tex. More...
Vector2 dialSpeedoPos
 The dial speedo position. More...
float stopSpeedoAngle
 The stop speedo angle. More...
float topSpeedoAngle
 The top speedo angle. More...
float dialSpeedoWidth
 The width of the dial speedo. More...
float dialSpeedoHeight
 The height of the dial speedo. More...
float needleSpeedoWidth
 The width of the needle speedo. More...
float needleSpeedoHeight
 The height of the needle speedo. More...
Texture dialSpeedoTexture
 The dial speedo texture. More...
Vector2 needleCenterSpeedo
 The needle center speedo. More...
float topSpeed
 The top speed. More...
float speedGaugeDepth
 The speed gauge depth. More...
bool analogSpeed
 The analog speed. More...
float rpmGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the rpm gauge dialscreen. More...
float rpmGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the rpm gauge dialscreen. More...
Texture2D needleAcceloTex
 The needle accelo tex. More...
Vector2 dialAcceloPos
 The dial accelo position. More...
float stopAcceloAngle
 The stop accelo angle. More...
float topAcceloAngle
 The top accelo angle. More...
float dialAcceloWidth
 The width of the dial accelo. More...
float dialAcceloHeight
 The height of the dial accelo. More...
float needleAcceloWidth
 The width of the needle accelo. More...
float needleAcceloHeight
 The height of the needle accelo. More...
Texture dialAcceloTexture
 The dial accelo texture. More...
Vector2 needleCenterAccelo
 The needle center accelo. More...
bool analogTachoGauge
 The analog tacho gauge. More...
float tachoanalogDepth
 The tachoanalog depth. More...
float topRpm
 The top rpm. More...
float rpmBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the rpm bar dialscreen. More...
float rpmBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the rpm bar dialscreen. More...
Vector2 dialPos
 The dial position. More...
float dialRpmWidth
 The width of the dial rpm. More...
float dialRpmHeight
 The height of the dial rpm. More...
Texture tachoBarTexture
 The tacho bar texture. More...
Texture tachoBGTexture
 The tacho background texture. More...
bool analogTachoBar
 The analog tacho bar. More...
float tachoBarDepth1
 The tacho bar depth1. More...
float tachoBarDepth2
 The tacho bar depth2. More...
float fuelBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the fuel bar dialscreen. More...
float fuelBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the fuel bar dialscreen. More...
Vector2 dialFuelPos
 The dial fuel position. More...
float dialFuelWidth
 The width of the dial fuel. More...
Texture fuelBarTexture
 The fuel bar texture. More...
Texture fuelBGTexture
 The fuel background texture. More...
float dialFuelHeight
 The height of the dial fuel. More...
bool analogBarFuel
 The analog bar fuel. More...
float fuelBarDepth1
 The fuel bar depth1. More...
float fuelBarDepth2
 The fuel bar depth2. More...
float fuelGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the fuel gauge dialscreen. More...
float fuelGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the fuel gauge dialscreen. More...
Texture2D needleFuelGaugeTex
 The needle fuel gauge tex. More...
Vector2 dialFuelGaugePos
 The dial fuel gauge position. More...
float stopFuelGaugeAngle
 The stop fuel gauge angle. More...
float topFuelGaugeAngle
 The top fuel gauge angle. More...
float dialFuelGaugeWidth
 The width of the dial fuel gauge. More...
float dialFuelGaugeHeight
 The height of the dial fuel gauge. More...
float needleFuelGaugeWidth
 The width of the needle fuel gauge. More...
float needleFuelGaugeHeight
 The height of the needle fuel gauge. More...
Texture dialFuelTexture
 The dial fuel texture. More...
Vector2 needleCenterFuelGauge
 The needle center fuel gauge. More...
bool analogFuelGauge
 The analog fuel gauge. More...
float fuelAnalogDepth
 The fuel analog depth. More...
Texture2D tireTexture
 The tire texture. More...
Vector2 tirePos
 The tire position. More...
float tireSize
 The size of the tire. More...
float tireScreenWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the tire screen. More...
float tireScreenHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the tire screen. More...
int tireDepth
 The tire depth. More...
bool tireGui
 The tire GUI. More...
float proportionalSize
 The size of the proportional. More...
float tachobarBKOverSize = 0.1f
 The size of the tachobar BK over. More...

Member Data Documentation

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogBarFuel

The analog bar fuel.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogFuelGauge

The analog fuel gauge.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogSpeed

The analog speed.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogTachoBar

The analog tacho bar.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.analogTachoGauge

The analog tacho gauge.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloHeight

The height of the dial accelo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloPos

The dial accelo position.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloTexture

The dial accelo texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialAcceloWidth

The width of the dial accelo.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugeHeight

The height of the dial fuel gauge.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugePos

The dial fuel gauge position.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelGaugeWidth

The width of the dial fuel gauge.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelHeight

The height of the dial fuel.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelPos

The dial fuel position.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelTexture

The dial fuel texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialFuelWidth

The width of the dial fuel.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialPos

The dial position.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialRpmHeight

The height of the dial rpm.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialRpmWidth

The width of the dial rpm.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoHeight

The height of the dial speedo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoPos

The dial speedo position.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoTexture

The dial speedo texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialSpeedoWidth

The width of the dial speedo.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboHeight

The height of the dial turbo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboPos

The dial turbo position.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboTexture

The dial turbo texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.dialTurboWidth

The width of the dial turbo.

IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalOdometerType = IRDSCarGUI.DigitalOdometerType.KPH

The type of the digital odometer.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeed

The digital speed.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeedScreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the digital speed screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.digitalSpeedScreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the digital speed screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelAnalogDepth

The fuel analog depth.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDepth1

The fuel bar depth1.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDepth2

The fuel bar depth2.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the fuel bar dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the fuel bar dialscreen.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBarTexture

The fuel bar texture.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelBGTexture

The fuel background texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the fuel gauge dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.fuelGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the fuel gauge dialscreen.

Color IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearColor

The color of the gear.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearDepth

The gear depth.

Font IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearFont

The gear font.

int IRDSCarHUDSettings.GearfontSize

The size of the gearfont.

FontStyle IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearFontStyle

The gear font style.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearGui

The gear GUI.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearOffSetX = 762

The gear off set x.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearOffSetY = 510

The gear off set y.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearScreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the gear screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.gearScreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the gear screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloHeight

The height of the needle accelo.

Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloTex

The needle accelo tex.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleAcceloWidth

The width of the needle accelo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterAccelo

The needle center accelo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterFuelGauge

The needle center fuel gauge.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterSpeedo

The needle center speedo.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleCenterTurbo

The needle center turbo.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeHeight

The height of the needle fuel gauge.

Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeTex

The needle fuel gauge tex.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleFuelGaugeWidth

The width of the needle fuel gauge.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoHeight

The height of the needle speedo.

Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoTex

The needle speedo tex.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleSpeedoWidth

The width of the needle speedo.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboHeight

The height of the needle turbo.

Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboTex

The needle turbo tex.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.needleTurboWidth

The width of the needle turbo.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.proportionalSize

The size of the proportional.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmBarDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the rpm bar dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmBarDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the rpm bar dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the rpm gauge dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.rpmGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the rpm gauge dialscreen.

Color IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedColor

The color of the speed.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedDepth

The speed depth.

Font IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedFont

The speed font.

int IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedfontSize

The size of the speedfont.

FontStyle IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedFontStyle

The speed font style.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDepth

The speed gauge depth.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the speed gauge dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the speed gauge dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedOffSetX = 762

The speed off set x.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.speedOffSetY = 510

The speed off set y.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopAcceloAngle

The stop accelo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopFuelGaugeAngle

The stop fuel gauge angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopSpeedoAngle

The stop speedo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.stopTurboAngle

The stop turbo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoanalogDepth

The tachoanalog depth.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachobarBKOverSize = 0.1f

The size of the tachobar BK over.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarDepth1

The tacho bar depth1.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarDepth2

The tacho bar depth2.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBarTexture

The tacho bar texture.

Texture IRDSCarHUDSettings.tachoBGTexture

The tacho background texture.

int IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireDepth

The tire depth.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireGui

The tire GUI.

Vector2 IRDSCarHUDSettings.tirePos

The tire position.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireScreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the tire screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireScreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the tire screen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireSize

The size of the tire.

Texture2D IRDSCarHUDSettings.tireTexture

The tire texture.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topAcceloAngle

The top accelo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topFuelGaugeAngle

The top fuel gauge angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topRpm

The top rpm.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topSpeed

The top speed.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topSpeedoAngle

The top speedo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.topTurboAngle

The top turbo angle.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboDepth

The turbo depth.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGaugeDialscreenHeight = 0.0f

The height of the turbo gauge dialscreen.

float IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGaugeDialscreenWidth = 0.0f

The width of the turbo gauge dialscreen.

bool IRDSCarHUDSettings.turboGui

The turbo GUI.